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Czech Portable Fuel Station in India

Minister of State for Finance in the Government of India Santosh Gangwar and Deputy Head of Mission Mr. Roman Masarik with Head of Commercial Counselor Mr. Milan Tous , The Embassy of the Czech Republic in India and other distinguished guests attended the inauguration of new offices of the Indian holding ALINZ on Friday, August 12, 2016 in Delhi near Kirti Nagar metro station. ALINZ offices on various location will provide imports from the Czech Republic to India for portable fuel filling stations and distributing them across India .

More than 5 years, ALINZ group has been working with Czech company PETROCard Czech Ltd on the preparation of a unique solution to the distribution of fuel through petrol stations with aboveground tanks in India.Their demonstrable benefits , fast installation, minimal requirements for structural adjustment and automatic (self-service ) operation, are associated with high demands on safety. Czech products have undergone rigorous testing and are certified by the relevant European standards Physical Technical Testing Institute in Ostrava-Radvanice .

Last 5 years, Czech firm PETROCard Czech Ltd. had demonstrate a great deal of documentation to assess their products in terms of metrology and certification of general safety considerations where India did not exist until the rule regulated by the conditions of installation and operation of filling stations with aboveground fuel tanks. In 2015, the Indian authorities recognized metrological certification of these products and the Indian side even drafted an amendment to the relevant decree of 2002 , so-called . Petroleum Rules 2002, which already provides conditions for the installation and operation of filling stations with aboveground tanks of fuel... News Links